Welcome to IDpro
We’re here to help you obtain legal and valid documents if you don’t want to go through bureaucratic procedures.
We process Real and Fake documents.
REAL documents are documents which have the holders information fully registered in a particular system or database enabling them to be used for legal purposes.
The REAL and Registered documents can be used for:
- Travel Purposes
- Job Purposes
- School and Educational purposes
- Personal Identification
- Online Identity Verification
- Banking and loan Purposes
- Physical and Online Rentals
- Physical and Online Purchases
- Club/Bar entry and Purchase of Alcohol
- Other Legal puposes
FAKE documents are documents which have No information of the holder registered in any system or database.
The category of the document you need will depend on the purpose for which you need it.
We boast in the authenticity of the documents we process because of our expertise and also because we use high end resources and machineries to achieve the perfect document quality.
See Samples of Processed and Completed Documents below.
Document Samples